#64 The Least Boring Weekend Newsletter

Good Morning readers! ☕

Hope you have an amazing weekend! 🥳

Tipping on Twitter now includes support for Ethereum wallets.👝 Twitter has added an ability for creators to add their Ethereum address to their tipping options.😍 

Twitter's move comes after the company's ongoing research into the Ethereum ecosystem. All users who agree to the company's tipping policy will have access to Ethereum wallet support.

The Lightning Network has already permitted Bitcoin tips on Twitter, but the addition of Ethereum is just another proof that Twitter is leading the way in crypto tech among the big titans. 💻

Almund's newsletter will let you in on all kinds of tips for D2C brands and much much more. 

Alright, so let's get right to it! 

This newsletter is going to dive into :

👙Victoria's Secret Is Getting Metaverse-Ready by Filing for NFT Trademark

👌 Breaking Down A Great DTC Landing Page

🌏  Metaverse and NFT marketing: Are you future-proofing your brand?

📜 Top reads for this week

👩🏻‍💼 Plenty of jobs awaiting you!

So, scroll down already to THE VERY END & read up on what's yet to come your way!



Victoria's Secret has applied for many trademarks with the United States Patent and Trademark Office, indicating that it plans to sell virtual underwear, footwear, hats, eyewear, purses, and fashion accessories👗👛 . According to the company's registration, it also intends to host virtual fashion displays. ( 😍Wow

In the early 1990s, Victoria's Secret, which was created in the late 1970s by late American businessman Roy Raymond, became the largest lingerie retailer in the United States.

Mike Kondoudis, a trademark attorney, stated on Twitter on Sunday, February 13th, that the world-famous lingerie lime has submitted trademark registrations for metaverse activities🐦 . Selling "virtual underwear, footwear, and fashion accessories" in the form of non-fungible tokens is one of them (NFTs).\

With the launch of the renowned annual fashion show, which would draw the world's most famous models, like Claudia Schiffer, Heidi Klum, Gisele Bündchen, Tyra Banks, and Candice Swanepoel, 👯  the brand became a staple in popular culture. Can’t wait to experience virtual shopping. 👗


Breaking Down A Great DTC Landing Page

We’re picking up where we left off!

Our last week’s edition made one thing pretty clear to all of us—a good landing page can save you from a great fall. But if you’re just starting out or not seeing results from your current treatment to content on the landing web pages, it would be great to reconsider your plan, understand your audiences’ behavior, and rework the content. 

If you’re confused about what goes into making a great landing page, let us help you out! Here’s a checklist of some good practices to have when designing and creating a landing page for your campaign:

🥱 Too Much Text

It is proven that people remember 20% of what they read but 80% of what they see. That’s why creating landing pages that promote visitor focus should be your ideal goal. Create pages with less text and include more images, videos, and graphics to depict what your campaign is about. If you do wish to convey any bit of information to your customers, use infographics instead of plain text to catch their attention. 

🧹 Have A Clear CTA

You might have the most eye-catching infographics, great design, and brilliant content but if your visitor doesn’t understand what you want from them within the first few seconds of landing on the web page, it’s all a lost cause. Have a crisp and clear CTA to make sure you don’t waste your visitors’ time; they’d appreciate it. 

📱 Ensure It’s Mobile-Friendly

Nowadays, mobile users dominate website traffic across all industries. Making sure that your landing page is optimized for handling mobile traffic is the first step to higher conversion rates.

Increase Load Speed

People are living a high-speed life! If your web pages take longer than three seconds to load, you might as well say goodbye to the visitors. It won’t matter how great of a web page you’ve designed if your landing page is slow. 

If you find it technically difficult to optimize your loading speed, isolate your web page visitors to target the right demographic. If you find that mobile-first users are a dominant part of your traffic, optimize the loading speed accordingly. Using this free platform, check your landing page’s loading speed on mobiles.

😉 Keep It Simple

Your landing page serves only one purpose—to drive conversions (of some form). If you give your customers the option to move out of your page, you’re sabotaging your campaign. Avoid adding navigation bars and blocks of text that divert your visitors’  attention.

📃 Add Testimonials

Dr. Robert Cialdini’s quote “People see an action as more appropriate when others are doing it” sits right even when designing web pages. When creating a landing page for your campaign, it’s always a great practice to include some form of testimonials (bonus points if you add images!) around the CTA. When your visitors view the great feedback and success stories from people across the world, they’d be even more pumped to do as they’re told.

🤔 Don’t Add More Than 1 CTA

If you’re designing a landing page for a campaign, it’s better to add a single appropriate CTA to drive visitor traffic in the desired direction. If you add an unrelated CTA, for instance, to prompt people to sign up for a newsletter, it’ll pose as a distraction for the user and they might move away from the customer journey you had in mind. 

😰 Fun With FOMO

By leveraging the feeling of scarcity or urgency when speaking about your product or service, you can induce the feeling of FOMO in your visitors, prompting them to take the desired steps to associate with your brand. Let them know that the offer lasts for a limited period; that the free trial lasts only until the weekend; or that they might not see the free lead magnet ever again unless they register today! 

😒 Don’t Pry Too Much 

Customers LOVE not sharing their information. And rightfully so! By limiting the amount of information you ask for, you’re not only already in the good books of your visitors but you also make the onboarding process extremely easy for them. With only some fields to fill and a few clicks later, they are affiliated with your brand, making the experience all the more enjoyable for them. 

🧲 Lead With A Lead Magnet

A little incentive goes a long way. An additional service can help you get a higher number of clicks on that CTA button! Throw in an extra free trial, a free e-book or cheatsheet, or perhaps, an extra voucher for their first order—make them feel better about clicking the CTA button to drive more sign-ups. 

😎 Be Authoritative

Your landing page should lead with your unique selling proposition a.k.a. USP. You cannot expect to make conversions unless you are clear about what you do and how well you do it. Let your visitors know of your product and services, their USPs, and how your brand is the best at what it does. 

🔎 Make It SEO-Friendly

Making a gorgeous landing page isn’t enough, you need your visitors to be able to find you on search engines. Optimize your on-page content to be SEO-friendly—use appropriate keywords, and add industry-specific meta titles and descriptions. 

That checklist went on for a little longer than we thought it would…

While the list of best practices is essential when you’re working on your landing page, what’s even more important is for you to know what to track when your page goes live. So, we’ve put together a list of some key metrics you must keep an eye on when you run a digital campaign through your landing page.

📄 Page Views

Pageviews and unique page views can tell you how successful your landing page is. If your content is spot-on and is SEO-optimized, you’re bound to get enough traffic to your page to help increase your conversion rates.

🎯  Sessions By Source

If you’re targetting a particular demographic of audience or a source for your campaign, tracking and understanding this particular metric can help you know if your landing page s reaching the right audience or not. 

 ⌚ Average Time On Page

Tracking the average time your visitors spend on the page can help you learn more about how it’s performing. You can optimize your content or upgrade your lead magnet if you see people dropping off a little too soon. Perhaps, changing the web page layout can also help!

🗣 Conversions

The end goal is to make conversions. Tracking how many people did as they were told, that is clicked on the CTA button and completed the task, can help you update your campaign accordingly. 

And you’re all done! You now know what a landing page is, some metrics to show just how important they are for DTC brands, their benefits and types, some of the best practices when designing a landing page, and finally, metrics to track them efficiently. That’s a lot of information!

Now we don’t know about you but we’re visual learners. A few good examples to show great treatment to copy, design, and marketing psychology can help you fast-track the learning process. So, let’s not wait anymore!

#1 Express VPN

We love our privacy and no one does it better than Express VPN.  The clear CTA and authoritative copy are just what we like to see on a landing page. 

#2 Netflix

Netflix has a great edge over most platforms across the industry and rightfully so! The clear CTA paired with a crisp headline helps make the brand stand out. They are also clear about their USPs on the same web page which is a cherry on top!

#3 Transferwise

With very few details requested from their visitor, Transferwise’s landing page is quick to build trust and get straight to the point. Kudos to them!

#4 Blue Apron

With stunning imagery and great visuals, this landing page had us hooked. Blue Apron made its services clear while making sure the visitors get a taste of what to expect as they scroll through the well-laid-out page. 

Sign, this 2-part learning journey was extensive but fun! We hope you enjoyed it just as much as we did. Sadly, can’t stretch it for too long, there’s a lot to cover from the DTC industry! But you can find more information about this and much more on our website. Check out our free resources today!



Experts envision the metaverse as a massive economic force that, in the not-too-distant future, might dramatically alter the way we live, work, and sell – with NFTs serving as a currency for determining value.🔮 

NFTs and social gaming may increase a luxury group's total addressable market by more than 10% in eight years😲 , with digital demand for fashion and luxury goods reaching US$50 billion by 2030. (That's amazing🤩) 

Aside from the metaverse, forward-thinking marketers should use data analytics and digitize the consumer experience across all touchpoints and channels to stay one step ahead in innovation.💭

Brands wishing to connect with a new generation of customers who will grow up in the metaverse must urgently articulate their narrative and establish their presence in this 3D virtual world🔁 , as tech brands like Meta lead the charge into the metaverse and popular brands like Coca-Cola engage customers and build assets with NFTs.🍹 

It's not a question of if, but when you'll establish a brand in the metaverse and through NFT (non-fungible token) marketing.

This new frontier is being staked out by major internet, consumer, and luxury firms. Is it still possible for marketers to question whether or not this is just hype?🤔💭 



👊 Crocs revenue hits a record $2.3B in 2021 of which DTC revenue was $1.1 billion in 2020 up by up 64.4%.

 🌈 Ethereum wallet Rainbow raises $18 million in a round led by Reddit co-founder's VC fund

Google moves to make Android apps more private 

🎩 Lids debuted a new e-commerce site featuring limited headwear collections. 

👞 Allbirds launches resale program for used footwear


In need of a  job? We’ve got plenty awaiting you!


CHOOSE SUCCESS below and have a great week! ‘Get that D2C business runnin’.