#117 The Least boring Weekly Newsletter

Good Morning Readers!

Here’s to wishing for a successful day ahead!

Consumer Trends Across the Health & Wellness Space opportunities for DTC owners. As the health and wellness space has seen some amazing growth over the last few years, what does that mean for DTC owners? How do you stay on top of the trends that are shaping the industry and make sure you're getting the most out of your business? In the health and wellness space, there are a number of trends that DTC owners can take advantage of🌝.

One trend is the rise in demand for natural products. Consumers are increasingly concerned about what goes into their bodies, and they want to know that the products they're buying have been vetted by experts. This means that companies selling natural products will have an easier time selling them than those selling conventional products.

Another trend is the growing popularity of vegan products. Veganism has grown in popularity over the past few years, especially among millennials. As people become more aware of how animals are treated on factory farms, they're turning away from meat and dairy products and toward plant-based options instead.

A third trend is a rise in demand for gluten-free food options. In recent years, many people have realized that they may be sensitive to gluten or feel better without it in their diets—and they're not afraid to say so! This means that companies selling gluten-free foods will also have an easier time selling than those selling conventional foods with gluten ingredients

Almund’s newsletter will give you all kinds of tips for DTC brands and much more.

Alright, so let’s get right to it!

This newsletter is going to dive into:

🍔Burger King Is Introducing A Vegan Chicken Sandwich

⏳5 Ways To Cope In Difficult Times For DTC Brands

🏅Best Business Practices: Birdies

🎯How to Tap Into the Viral Potential of User-Generated Content On TikTok

📕 Top Reads Of The Week

⚙️ Plenty Of Jobs Await You!

So, scroll down to THE VERY END & read up on what’s yet to come your way!

Together with Nice Commerce

Worried that using a fulfillment partner will lose that personal touch that makes your brand special? As store owners ourselves, we were too.

We were fed up with dealing with crappy 3PL’s so we created the kind of fulfillment partner we’d always wished existed: Nice Commerce.

With a focus on customer experience, our team of logistics experts helps brands like yours scale for growth through multi-channel fulfillment, transparent inventory management, customized order packing, attentive prep services, and more. 🎉

We’d love to show you how much care, attention, and personalization we put into every package we send by offering a FREE Auntie Nono’s Everything seasoning, on us! Valid for the first 50 store owners. 

Burger King Is Introducing A Vegan Chicken Sandwich🎊

The vegan food industry is growing at an exponential rate. With the rise of people adopting a plant-based lifestyle, there is an increased demand for vegan products. This is why many companies are investing in vegan products and services.

Even if some of the new product introductions have been timed to coincide with the start of Veganuary, the large chains are now taking vegan cuisine seriously as they compete for a piece of a market that could be worth more than $160 billion worldwide within the following ten years.

Following the same Burger King and Impossible Foods have long-standing successful cooperation, and over the past few years, Impossible Whopper consumers have enjoyed it every day. The two businesses are currently working on a Burger King vegan chicken sandwich, which will be another vegetarian menu item. The sandwich is now only available in one American city, but it's nonetheless thrilling since it might eventually become available everywhere. For more information, keep reading. Impossible Chicken Patties will be used to create a vegan version of the fast food restaurant chain's Original Chicken Sandwich.

The market for restaurants becomes more lucrative as demand for plant-based cuisine increases; as a result, they are able to provide more vegan alternatives at cheaper rates, luring more customers to sample the meals. So anticipate seeing an increase in the number of plant-based items on restaurant menus. Expect them to become more affordable and delicious as well.

5 Ways To Cope In Difficult Times For DTC Brands

In the digital world, the lines are blurred between brands and consumers. This means that DTC brands have to be nimble and responsive to their customers, who have a lot of choices in the marketplace. In difficult times, it’s important to keep this in mind and focus on what you can 

control: your brand messaging and strategy. Here are five ways DTC brands can manage growth during tough times.

  • Manage growth, don’t chase it: You may see other brands growing quickly at first and think that you need to do the same thing in order to succeed. While this is true for some businesses at certain stages of their development, if you don’t have the right infrastructure in place or aren’t ready to manage an influx of customers, then chasing growth will only lead to more headaches down the line. Instead of chasing growth at all costs, focus on building a foundation for success by improving last-mile delivery and building a strong technology platform so that when your business grows naturally over time (and not because you’re pushing too hard), you can handle it with ease and grace.

  • Get distribution right from the start: One of the biggest mistakes DTC brands make is to underestimate the importance of distribution. When you're building a new business, it's easy to get excited about your product and forget that there's more to it than just the product itself. You need to have a plan for getting your product out into the world so that people can buy it and enjoy it!

  • Don't discount deep into profitability: It's easy to get caught up in discounting when you're trying to grow your business—after all, who doesn't love getting something for less? But there are risks associated with discounting too deep into profitability: if you lose money on every sale, then what happens when you have to pay for shipping or marketing costs? If you don't have enough margin left over after paying those expenses, there won't be anything left over for growth either. Make sure that you don't go too far down this road before checking yourself again!

  • Improve last-mile delivery: If you're a DTC brand that's been around for a while, you know how important it is to have a great last-mile delivery system. Not only does it help you get your product out to customers faster, but it also helps build trust with them—and that's something that can make all the difference when you're trying to build a customer base and increase sales.

  • Build a foundation for success with technology: Technology has changed the way we do business forever—and not just in the traditional sense of e-commerce and digital marketing. Today, companies need to use technology as an integral part of their operations from start to finish (and sometimes even before they begin). This means using technology to find new ways to streamline operations, automate processes, and improve customer service. Use software like eCommerce platforms and CRM tools to make sure everything is working smoothly behind the scenes before launch day ever arrives!

🏅Best Business Practices: Birdies

Birdies, a women's shoe company that was founded on the idea of making shoes that were both comfortable and fashionable, has scaled beyond its founders' expectations. The company was founded by two friends who wanted to create a shoe that would make people happy. A year after Birdies were released into the market, the company had sold over one million pairs worldwide.

Birdies' business strategy model is based on the concept of the "experience economy," which means that instead of providing just a good or service, Birdies wants to provide an experience for their customers. This is done through social media and other digital platforms. Birdies use social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram to engage with their customers and create a community around their brand so that people feel connected to it. By doing this, Birdies created brand loyalty among its customers who will now want to buy more shoes from them in the future.

The company has identified three dimensions of value: product quality, service quality, and convenience. They use these dimensions of value to differentiate themselves from their competitors. They also offer loyalty programs to encourage repeat purchases from their customers. This model also allows for some additional revenue streams for the company because they can sell advertising space on these social media platforms as well as other digital properties owned by the company such as e-commerce websites or even mobile apps they might develop in the future!

How to Tap Into the Viral Potential of User-Generated Content On TikTok

UGC marketing is a powerful way to boost your brand's presence while giving your users a voice and helping them feel more connected to the brand. By sharing authentic experiences from real people (instead of professional actors or spokespeople), brands can develop a sense of trust with their customers—and this is what makes UGC marketing effective. UGC marketing on TikTok has a lot of potential for brands to reach their target audiences.

You can use UGC marketing in three ways:

  • Posting videos of your product or service: Posting videos of your product or service is one way to use UGC marketing. The video will show off the features of your product, and it will give your audience an opportunity to see what they are missing out on if they don't purchase this product. The video should be short and sweet, so people don't get bored. Make sure that you have a strong call-to-action at the end of the video, so viewers know exactly what they should do next.

  • Asking people to post videos of their experience with your product or service: This is a great way to show how the product works and what it looks like in action, which can help potential customers get a better idea of whether they want to buy it. You can also use UGC marketing by asking people to post photos of your product being used in different ways or on different types of people, which will give you an idea of how versatile or universal your product is. This is a great way to promote your brand without having to spend lots of money on advertising.

  • Posting videos of people using your product or service: This is a great way to show off the benefits of your product or service and make it appealing to potential customers. It's also a great way to show how easy it is to use! You can even use this strategy if you're selling something that isn't quite ready yet—you can take pre-orders and post videos of people using the product or service in development. This will help build excitement before the product is available for sale.

Top Reads Of The Week

Despite a solid quarter, Macy's lowers its full-year outlook out of concern about consumers' reduced spending.

Americans make impulsive purchases for $314 every month despite the recession.

Beyond the expectations of its founders, Birdies, the shoe no one thought they needed, has grown significantly.

To help the store, Walmart boosts its social media influencers.

For up to $295 million, eBay will purchase the trading card website TCGplayer.


Financial Reporting Analyst - The Walt Disney Company

Senior Data Analyst - PlayStation

Merchandising Associate - Crate & Barrel

CHOOSE SUCCESS below and have a great weekend! Get that DTC business runnin’.