#103 The Least boring Weekly Newsletter

Good Morning Readers!

Here’s to wishing you a successful day ahead!

The saddening incident of shooting at the 4th of July parade in the Chicago suburbs left six dead and more than twenty injured. This, scarily, isn’t an isolated incident, with similar happenings taking place in Toronto and El Paso, TX. 

The frequency of these shootings has risen to an alarming level over the last few years with no end in sight. The United States has a higher rate of gun-related deaths than any other first-world country with about 11,000 deaths per year. A solution to this issue is to implement a ban on gun purchases. We should not be tolerant of the escalation and distribution of guns in the country.

We stand with the victims and their families, hoping for some preventive measures put into action by the legislation as soon as possible. 

Almund’s newsletter will give you all kinds of tips for DTC brands and much more.

Alright, so let’s get right to it!

This newsletter is going to dive into:

💸 TikTok’s Business Expansion Plans Unsteady


🤖 Here's How Live Chat Support Decreases Your Bounce Rate

🎥 Video Bites: All Things DTC!

📕 Top Reads Of The Week

⚙️ Plenty Of Jobs Await You!

So, scroll down to THE VERY END & read up on what’s yet to come your way!


TikTok had been trying to integrate live-stream shopping as they saw incredible success with the feature in the Chinese version of the app. TikTok had scheduled to launch the feature in Italy, France, Germany, and Spain in the first half of 2022, before expanding to the US in the second half of the year. However, their UK project has failed to meet the desired targets, slowing down the feature rollout. 

What’s Causing The Problems?

Before expanding to the US market, TikTok is bent on fixing the issues in the UK operations. The problems faced include conflicts due to overworking and management. Last month, ByteDance issued tough work schedules and timings for their UK staff which included 12-hour work days, extreme sales targets, etc. 

The East Isn’t Meeting The West

Additional problems include the rift, or shall we say, the difference in the target audiences/markets. 

Several Asian social media apps such as China’s WeChat and QQ are used for purchasing train tickets, paying online bills, buying groceries, and other utilities. Hence, live stream shopping was very readily accepted in the country. However, western countries seem to be slower at warming up to the idea. 

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Here's How Live Chat Support Decreases Your Bounce Rate

Bounce rate is a major factor in the success of your website. It's a metric that shows how many people leave after visiting your page and how many of them come back. If you have a high bounce rate, it means that people aren't staying on your site long enough to see if they're interested in what you have to offer, or they're leaving because they don't think it's worth their time. A great solution to tackle the issue is live chat support.

It gives customers a chance to interact with a real person and get answers quickly. Live chat can be used on any website where visitors can submit comments or questions to receive appropriate and helpful responses. 

There are various situations where live chat can help you stop visitors and prompt them to engage with your brand. Let us walk you through some.

👀 Assists Users In Obtaining Additional Information

One of the biggest reasons why people migrate to a different website is because they cannot find the required information as soon as they land on the webpage. An online live chat might be useful in this situation. The live chat may prompt them to ask relevant questions about the required information and can guide them to the page.

🤝 Builds Credibility

When you build an online store with chat support, you offer personalized customer service to your customers to help them make decisions. Many times, customers who like to use chat are either considering making a purchase or are in the process of making a purchase. When an enterprise makes chat support available on its website, it builds a rapport with its customers. With increased customer engagement, there is a likelihood of conversion and a reason for them to stick around. A simple answer from the agent can mean the difference between a sale and a bounce. Such information enables your employees to better comprehend the visitor and choose the ideal course of action to take when trying to market the product that the consumer may purchase.

🗨️ On-Site Messaging

Live chat is also a great way to let your customers know of any ongoing deals, discounts, sales, or loyalty programs that they may wish to avail. Live chat can easily prompt a message on the screen as soon as a visitor lands on the webpage without taking up the entire screen or hampering their experience yet grabbing their attention instantly.

Best Business Practices

Conversational commerce is a strategy that combines the power of digital technology with the convenience of in-person interactions. The strategy focuses on providing an easy-to-use digital platform for customers to find, purchase, and pay for products and services. 

It makes user experiences more personal and relevant to the consumer. Consumers enjoy being able to personalize their experiences with a company by adjusting products or services they purchase, while businesses are able to offer more tailored products or services because they know how their customers want them to be customized. And Starbucks is doing that too well!

Starbucks introduced a smart bot that allows its users to order and pay for their drinks online. Once their order is ready, they can simply walk in to pick the drink up—no more worrying about rush hours or the hassle to wait in line. Your favorite barista will always be at your fingertips. 

This is personalization and convenience at its finest!

Top Reads Of The Week

Many celebrate the 4th of July amidst the chaos.

Wilson opens its third NYC store.

Now Android users on Twitter can pay to drop the Spaces button too.

Inflation may get much worse this summer—and could linger 'many years’—experts warn.

Grand rebranding event is set for the 12th of July at Virginia Peninsula community college.


Inside Sales Representative -Precision Analytical

CHOOSE SUCCESS below and have a great weekend! Get that DTC business runnin’.